Professional FM Radio Broadcast Transmitters

Professional FM Radio Broadcast Transmitters
Professional FM Radio Broadcast Transmitters
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FM Radio Broadcast Transmitters

Professional FM Transmitters From 20W to 80kW

Broadcast Eletec offers professional broadcast fm transmitters and fm stereo broadcast transmitters with output powers of 20 watt, 25  watt, 30 watt, 50 watt , 100 watt, 300 watt, 500 watt, 600 watt, 1000 watt , 1 kW, 1,2kW, 1.2kW, 1200W, 2000 watt, 2 kW, 3000 watt, 3 kW,  5000 watt, 5 kW, 10000 watt,  10 kW, 20000 watt, 20 kW, 40000 watt, 40 kW, and all equipment you need for your radio station.

ELETEC Broadcast FM Radio Transmitters Amplifiers & Exciters, Low Medium & High power, High Efficiency Solid State Compact and Modular Transmitter (extractable power supply)

If you need a complete transmitter package or a complete FM transmission solution package,  Call us at +00334 93 019 999  or mail to and get a quotation on your next fm broadcast transmitter.